Senin, 26 Juni 2017

New Look and Hi Holiday!

Hi, guys! How're things going?
I hope there is always happiness in everyday cause everyone deserves happiness, right? 😊

2:00 AM here and I don't know what to do because it's holiday but I haven't had any plans to go outside this city. So, I think I will spending this 1,5 month to hibernate from college task months a go because you know college lyfe turns out very tiring. Yes, I'm trying to pay off my sleeping time and boost my productivity (maybe, lol).

Oh, I've changed this blog's theme! I changed it to the simple one. Why I picked the simple theme? I don't know tho but I like it :) because........yeah it's simple. I love simple things, but that doesn't mean I don't want to improvise it :p. Also don't forget that I used "greenish" impression for this blog too, I just want to feel a new atmosphere. Don't you feel it? 😜

Here its:

It's not final and hasn't done yet but honestly, I'm feeling lazy to change it again and adding some widget there....😅 But if I have a lot of time (and of course without feel lazy). I'm sure I will change it to be better. Don't judge from the theme. Hahaha, I'm joking.
This holiday I trying to be more productive with practicing Adobe Illustrator. I downloaded it yesterday after waiting a loong time because my laptop had broken previously. I'm not a person that has a strong sense of art (include designing) but I want to have a chance to trying and it finally happened.

My very first trial initiated from youtube video. Thankyou:") 

I know it's not perfect please don't judge me :(. But hey, I'm happy I've made it. I think being a graphic designer is so cool! They can make some vectors, design, logo, advertisement,
and much more! Idk tho but I find it so hard to make, so... I'm amazed for you all graphic design fighters.

About my header picture above, the new tagline "Write, express" is express me that I write to express and share what I have and going through. By the way, my banner was made by Adobe Illustrator too. But I only added the fonts. The vector (ring of leaves) I took it from freepik. Freepik has a lot of nice vectors! I totally recommend it especially for beginner like me.

I'm a very newbie on designing and I should practice more and more. Someone said that practice makes perfect. I wish it occurred to me :(  

This is what I want to write. Thank you for reading, enjoy your holiday! 

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